Prairies (37 images)
The American prairie covers diverse ecosystems from tall grass prairie to High Plains short grass prairie, once covering missions of square miles of North America grasslands. These photos represent a small sampling of prairie preserves from Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Oregon, and New Mexico.
High Plains short grass prairie native meadow...
Buffalo sculpture silhouette in prairie meadow,...
Prairie dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis native...
Snapper Prairie Preserve, State Natural Area...
Snapper Prairie Preserve in autumn with native...
Native grassland meadow prairie with creek and...
Native grassland meadow prairie with creek and...
Camass lily Camassia quamash, blue flower...
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan coneflower...
Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat or Long-headed...
Verbena stricta Hoary verbena, Hoary vervain...
Dracopus amplexicaulis, Clasp leaved Coneflower...
Dracopus amplexicaulis, Clasp leaved Coneflower...
Barbed wire fence separating rangeland in Merz...
Late afternoon light on Merz Ranch, Sand Hill...
Water windmill for cattle on Merz Ranch, Sand...
Surface water ponds from Ogallala Aquifer, Merz...