Phil Van Soelen July 2024 (56 images)
Phil Van Soelen California native plant front...
chairs by path with pear trees overlooking Phil...
Dirt path in Phil Van Soelen California native...
Bench in packed earth patio garden room framed...
Bench in packed earth patio garden room framed...
Madia elegans, tarweed, flowering annual...
Bird bath between Arctostaphylos manzanita...
Arctostaphylos manzanita ‘Monica’ peeling bark...
Eriogonum grande rubescens pink flowering...
Arctostaphylos montana ssp. ravenii in gravel...
Low growing manzanita: front Arctostaphylos...
Low growing manzanita: front Arctostaphylos...
Eriogonum hybrids by path with chair in Phil...
Eriogonum hybrids in Phil Van Soelen California...
Morning light and sunburst in Phil Van Soelen...
Morning light and sunburst through Oak trees...
Madia elegans, tarweed, flowering annual...
Path through Phil Van Soelen California native...
Pink flowering buckwheat (Eriogonum grande...
Eriogonum nudum, naked buckwheat flowering in...