Oak trees (49 images)
Oak trees (Quercus sp.) dominating the California landscape and can be signature trees in gardens.
Quercus dentata, Daimyo Oak tree (aka Korean...
Quercus rubra - Northern Red Oak tree in leaves...
Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak tree) flower...
Quercus alba, White Oak tree, Arnold Arboretum
Quercus alba, White Oak tree, Arnold Arboretum
Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak tree; Arnold...
Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oaks); wooden...
Bare trees and branches - Quercus kelloggii,...
Valley Oak trees (Quercus lobata) dark shapes...
Valley Oak trees (Quercus lobata) budding out...
Quercus agrifolia, native live oak tree...
Oak trees (Quercus lobata) backlit on grassy...
Tree lined pathway Quercus suber, Cork Oaks at...
California native trees left to right -...
Grasses under native Oak tree in summer-dry...
Quercus robur, English Oak, large tree with...
Oak tree ash ghost; Fire damage and recovery...
Cluster of scorched Oak trees and resprouting...
Fire damage and recovery from Nuns fire October...
Oak tree acorn sprouting in blackened ashes;...