Gamble Garden (39 images)
Gamble Garden, Palo Alto, California, Historic house built in 1902 and donated by Elizabeth Frances Gamble in 1981and now as a public garden, an oasis of beauty and tranquility, providing a community resource for horticultural education, inspiration, and enjoyment.
Entry path to Gamble Garden, Palo Alto, California
Perennial border with flowering Stipa gigantea...
Path into drought tolerant California-Style...
Gamble Garden, Palo Alto, California; Large...
Brick path into the Wisteria Garden room with...
Brick path into the Wisteria Garden room with...
Lagerstroemia ‘Tuskegee’, Tuskegee Crepe Myrtle...
Formal herb garden room near gazebo in Gamble...
Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' (Canyon...
Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama...
Encelia californica, California brittlebush or...
Path through Pollinator Garden at Gamble Garden...
Gazebo and perennial beds in Gamble Garden,...
Formal herb garden room with bench and boxwood...
Pruned boxwood hedge for formal herb garden in...
Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross' Kangaroo Paw...
Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’ flowering in the Foliage...
Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Gamble Garden,...
Hibiscus syriacus ‘White Diana’, White Diana...
Salvia 'Amistad' Friendship Sage flowering in...