Aloes in Wonderland (80 images)
Aloes in Wonderland is the garden and nursery of Jeff Chemnick in Santa Barbara, California, selling rare and unusual succulents, cycads and trees :
Agave franzosinii; Aloes in Wonderland garden,...
Brachychiton rupestris, Queensland bottle tree...
Aloes in Wonderland, Southern California garden
Agave salmiana between Brachychiton rupestris,...
Agave salmiana between Brachychiton and Jubaea...
Dwarf mexican blue fan palm Brahea decumbens...
Dwarf mexican blue fan palm Brahea decumbens...
Tree aloe, Aloe barberae with Cycads in mist;...
Tree aloe, Aloe barberae with Cycads in mist;...
Parajubaea torallyi Bolivian mountain coconut...
Yucca queretaroensis (Queretaro Yucca) in front...
Dracaena 'Saudi Arabia'; Aloes in Wonderland...
Aloes in Wonderland, Southern California garden
Sprawling Euphornia; Aloes in Wonderland...
Yucca queretaroensis in front of Dracaena...
Yucca queretaroensis (Queretaro Yucca); Aloes...
Back patio at Aloes in Wonderland with Cycads...
Cycad leaves - Encephalartos transvenosus;...
Cycad leaves - Encephalartos transvenosus;...
Alluaudia procera (Madagascan Ocotillo) with 2...