Favorites from 2017 (25 images)
Selection of photos by Saxon Holt taken in 2017
Sunrise and clouds and dawn light in Sonoran...
Morning view across McBean Wildfowl Pond in San...
Kona on morning walk, Rush Creek Open Space...
Total Solar Eclipse with diamond ring optical...
Window reflection overlooking backyard...
California spring wildflower super bloom...
Burned Oak trees with ashen trunks; Fire damage...
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black'...
El Pomar Waterway and brick path lined with...
Muhlenbergia reverchonii Ruby Muhly Grass...
Sunfinity sunflowers in demonstration garden -...
Artistic rendering - Aesculus californica -...
Autumn landscape panorama West Bijou Ranch...
Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma with...
California native mixed Oak woodland landscape...
Orienpet Lily flower with pollen filled anthers...
Nature's garden in Sonoran Desert at Anza...
Young girl fishing in Rock Creek draining from...
Natural desert garden - Echinocereus...
Cordyline banksii 'Electric Pink', grasslike...