2.5 Space and Shape (11 images)
The PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop. Book Two - Think Like A Camera. Photos from Lesson Five - Space and Shape.
How to photograph gardens. http://photobotanic.com
How to photograph gardens. http://photobotanic.com
Flowering bulb, ornamental onions (Allium) in...
Plant tapestry of ornamental onions seedheads...
California drought tolerant succulent garden...
Jeff Moore's succulent garden, wide view, find...
Lurie Garden reconstructed prairie meadow...
Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)...
Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)...
From the cover of PhotoBotanic e-book "Think...
frost on Red-leaf Barberry leaves, (Berberis...
Red Tupelo leaf autumn, fall color (Nyssa...
Spring Trees Tapestry, Filoli Garden, flowering...